Britton Loftin on Lousiana Politics

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Louisiana goes Cajun Primary Elections

Why oh why?

Democrats in this state will not have a shot in this open primary system starting in 2012. It was pushed by Rep. Hunter Green (R) with the public intent to save the state money. It does save the state money however there are many more opportunities and areas to cut and trim the budget. A Louisiana House of Representatives and Senate controlled by Democrats should never have approved this bill in order to assure the fairness of future elections. This makes it so much harder for a Democrat to get elected to congress. In a state with a majority of registered Democratic party voters it is very hard to get a democrat elected to congress and statewide. The closed primary system allowed Democrats to build support and momentum. The open primary strips Democrats of the ability to build loyalty, momentum, and support.

Open primaries
(or pick-a-party) are those in which voters of any affiliation may vote for the slate of any party.

Closed primaries are those in which only the voters affiliated with a party may vote in its primary. (Building Party loyalty which Louisiana Dems Need)

Blanket primaries (or "jungle primaries") are those in which voters, regardless of affiliation, may choose the party primary in which they want to vote on an office-by-office basis. The blanket primary was struck down in 2001 by the Supreme Court in CA Democratic Party v. Jones.

Britton Loftin


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Congrats to parish President Robottom

Natalie Robottom will be sworn in as St. John the Baptist Parish President tonight at the beginning of the regularly scheduled Parish Council meeting in Edgard.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Britton Loftin - "Obama: BP agrees to $20 Billion dollar fund"

WASHINGTON (AP) -- After meeting with top BP officials, President Barack Obama announced on Wednesday that the oil giant has agreed to set aside an initial $20 billion to pay the victims of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, calling it "an important step toward making the people of the Gulf Coast whole again."... Read More



Britton Loftin

Monday, June 14, 2010

Britton Loftin on Obama's Visit to the Gulf

Before President Obama makes a statement tomorrow night on the BP oil spill he is visiting the gulf states today. He has visited the area four times. The oil spill is a man made disaster but one that gulf states and political leaders have the opportunity to capitalize by pushing for greener reform. Many bills have been authored proposing greener reform.

I am sure that in the President's address we will hear much about weening ourselves off fossil fuels. The issue has been at the forefront of American politics for sometime now and even more now taking center stage.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Britton Loftin Louisiana

I'm back. A rainy lazy Louisiana Friday post:

I have been doing some home work in Google Analytics.

It tells me that 4, yes 4 people in Canada have seen the blog.

Have you guys come to obtain another view of Louisiana?

I'm sure you heard of the GREAT AMERICAN oil spill spewing right below us.

Hear of this guy calling for the head of BP?

Britton Loftin

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Louisiana Budget #2

As I stated one entry below, their likely cuts in the budget are always healthcare and education as this article proves. LSU System Vice President Fred Cerise warned the law makers of Louisiana (Democrat and Republican) the cut of 67.8 million would make it very difficult for public hospitals to operate. Think we could use some of the Governor's office budget to make up the difference. Hey what is a Governor for really?

You know what the Jindal administration said? And I quote.

"The House panel goofed when making proposed changes to the state operating budget".- Really Jindal? Really?

Is that all you have to say about 4 hospitals likely to close. What about all the jobs lost and each hospitals contribution to the economy? Didn't Jindal push the state to purchase a chicken factory in order to save the economy in north Louisiana?

I am not surprised though because when Jindal was the secretary of Louisiana's DHH that same spirit was displayed.

Britton Loftin

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Budget Stalemate - Louisiana / Political

This is not the first time that Louisiana has been strapped for cash. We have dealt with this before.
The rainy day fund? Please don't go in to use every cent of it. There is much red tape surrounding the rainy day tap. $198 Million of the money has been cleared to use this year and everybody (House and Senate) says that it should be used to balance the budget but can't agree on how to repay it. There are areas within the budget that should be trimmed to rid ourselves of unnecessary big spending. Please dont go make your cuts in the usual areas like education/health-care and many of the services that the citizens on Louisiana depend on.

Britton Loftin